Information and analytical journal "CHEMICAL EXPERT”
The quarterly information and analytical journal "CHEMICAL EXPERT" positions itself as an open platform for communication between government officials, leaders of the chemical, pharmaceutical and related sectors of the country's economy.
The media space, which is formed by the Expert Council and the Editorial Board of the journal together with industry participants, is designed to contribute to the development of the industry. Among the tasks of the journal are finding solutions to topical issues, modeling new, in addition to existing, forms of cooperation in areas most sensitive to various restrictions and sanctions in which the Russian economy is located.
In the context of discussions of various innovations, the legal aspects that are inextricably linked with them are brought up to the reader's judgment. These are the assessments and opinions of government officials, relevant departments and lawyers.
To increase the efficiency of journal publications and their practical implementation, the journal has established a business discussion club "Kostandov". This name symbolizes the mission and goals of the journal, which are consonant with those set by the chemical industry of the USSR - to make the industry a world leader! Then this goal was successfully implemented under the leadership of the Minister of the Chemical Industry of the USSR, Leonid Arkadievich Kostandov.
Another important element in the formation of "feedback", in other words, increasing the practical value of discussions and speeches on the pages of the journal, is the audience and the personified system of the journal's distribution. Among the editorial subscribers in this category are: representatives of ministries and departments that regulate and control the industry, heads of large and key companies, experts and scientists, those who, by virtue of their position and authority, have an influence on the development of the industry. The main part of the journal copies in paper form is provided for them. Also, according to the principle "from hand to hand", it is envisaged to distribute the paper journal at specialized exhibitions and conferences. Another category of personalized recipients of the paper version of the journal is specialized representatives of the scientific world and universities.
In order to convey the content of the issues of the journal to as many market participants as possible, an electronic version is provided with free access to the content.
Journal specification:
Registration certificate: series PI No. FS77-79770 dated December 18, 2020
Frequency: 4 issues per year.
Format: A4, Eurostandard.
Volume: 64 - 120 pages
• paper issue: 1,000 copies.
• electronic version: no restrictions.
Subscription (electronic version): free.
Distribution territory: Russia.