On July 4-6, 2023, the Forum CHEMEX-2023 “CHEMISTRY. PHARMA. BIOTECH. NEW CHALLENGES» was held in Yerevan, the Republic of Armenia.
The business part of the Forum was attended by Alexey Alekhin (Advisor to the Minister of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation), Irina Arkadyeva (Head of the Department for the Development of the Chemical and Perfume and Cosmetic Industry of the Department of the Chemical-Technological Complex and Bioengineering Technologies of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia), Irina Vendilo (General Director of the Association "ROSKHIMREAKTIV" ), Alexander Vishnevsky (project manager for research and development of biotechnological products of PROMOMED RUS LLC), Vazgen Gazaryan (technical director of Aprikot LLC), Vigen Goginyan (Deputy General Director for Science, SPC Armbiotechnology), Igor Kukushkin (Vice- President of the Russian Union of Chemists, General Director of ANO "Health 360"), Boris Lalaev (Head of the Department of Chemical Technology of Medicinal Substances of the SPHFU of the Ministry of Health of Russia), Timofey Petrov (General Director of Sputnik Technopolis LLC), Valery Petrosyan (Professor of Moscow State University, Deputy General Director of JSC "RT-Invest"), Pavel Pikula (Director of the Rostov plant for the production of API R-Pharm JSC), Taguhi Piruzyan (President of the Association of Drug Manufacturers of the Republic of Armenia), Sergey Popkov (Head of the Department of Chemistry and Technology of Organic Synthesis of the Russian Chemical Technical University named after DI. Mendeleev), Petr Ryazantsev (Project Manager of R-Pharm JSC), Vyacheslav Savinov (Executive Director of the Russian Union of Chemists), Raziya Solodova (Head of the Expert Advisory Center for the Development of Pharmaceutical Business of the Eurasian Academy of Good Practices), Levon Tavadyan (Academic Secretary Department of Chemistry and Geosciences of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia), Artashes Tadevosyan (Deputy Director for Research at the Institute of Mining and Chemical Technologies of the National Polytechnic University of Armenia), Mikhail Turundaev (Director of the Representative Office of the State Corporation Rosatom in Armenia), Ivan Fomenko (Executive Director of PromBiT LLC Pharm”), Mkrtich Shakaryan (Head of the Department of Good Pharmaceutical Practice “Scientific Center for Expertise of Medicines and Medical Technologies named after Academician E. Gabrielyan” of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Armenia), Vladislav Shestakov (Director of FSI “SID and GP”).
The event was attended by heads of relevant ministries, research institutes and educational universities, chemical and pharmaceutical manufacturing companies, engineering, research companies, profile unions and associations of Russia and the Republic of Armenia.
The main topics of the CHEMEX-2023 Forum business program were:
1. Cooperation within the framework of the EAEU in the field of chemistry and pharmaceuticals. Results and prospects
· Industrial cooperation in the EAEU and the CIS
· Old experience in a new way. What can be revived
· Successful examples of cooperation
2. Low-tonnage and microtonnage chemistry. position and development.
· Current situation in the industry and main directions of development
· Contractors for micro-tonnage products
· Challenges and prospects for import substitution projects
· Organization of coordination and cooperation in the industry
3. Program Pharma-2030. The view of the industry and regulators.
· Improving legal regulation in the field of drug circulation
· Development of a full production cycle
· International cooperation and export expansion
4. Biotech products and production
· Cooperation in the field of biotechnology.
· Antibiotic production – economics or national security.
· Innovations in biotech. Implementation prospects.
5. Environmental safety. Hazardous waste.
· State of chemical industry sites. Reclamation technologies.
· How to turn municipal waste into income.
6. Virtual learning systems. Digital twins of productions.
As part of the business program of the Forum, an international agreement on cooperation in the development and supply of chemical and pharmaceutical products was signed between CHEMEX LLC (Armenia) and PROMOMED DM LLC (Russia).
The documentary film "KOSTANDOV. Chemical Formula of Success" was shown. By the decision of the Council of the Russian Union of Chemists, the journal "CHEMICAL EXPERT" was awarded the title of Laureate of the L.A. Kostandov Prize, the award was presented by the executive director of the Russian Union of Chemists Vyacheslav Savinov.
The business part was continued by an informal program that allowed the Forum participants to feel the atmosphere and plunge into the rich culture and history of Armenia.
The forum was held with the support of the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Armenia, FSI “SID and GP” of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia, the Russian Union of Enterprises and Organizations of the Chemical Complex, the Department of Chemistry and Earth Sciences of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia, the Association "ROSKHIMREAKTIV".
The Forum was organized by the information and analytical journal "CHEMICAL EXPERT".
Information support was provided by Pharmtech & Ingredients international exhibition and ARMENPRESS news agency.
LLC "REATORG" acted as a Partner of the Forum.
A detailed review of the СHEMEX-2023 Forum: “CHEMISTRY. PHARMA. BIOTECH. NEW CHALLENGES" will be published in the next issue of the information and analytical journal "CHEMICAL EXPERT".