API MANUFACTURING FACILITY (5000 KG/Y) Customer: LLC «NATIVA» Objective: advanced design, supply of equipment, installation and commissioning for three production sites of purification, drying and packaging of APIs.
DESIGN AND EQUIPMENT OF A SITE FOR SYNTHESIS OF SEMI-PRODUCTS AND OBTAINING HIGHLY ACTIVE API (up to OEB5) Заказчик: фармацевтическая компания Задача: в существующих помещениях лабораторно-производственного корпуса разместить участок производства высокоактивной АФС
CONCEPTUAL DESIGN OF THE DEVICE FOR THE PRODUCTION OF SOLID DOSAGE FORMS Customer: GEROPHARM Objective: conducting pre-project preparation, developing a conceptual design for the construction of a solid dosage form production workshop
DESIGN AND EQUIPPING OF THE PLANT FOR SYNTHESIS OF APIs AND INTERMEDIATES Customer: chemical-pharmaceutical research and production company Objective: design, selection, supply and installation of technological equipment, design and installation of technological pipelines, equipment piping, laying of power and signal cables, installation of cabinets and control panels, commissioning.
DESIGN OF API PRODUCTION (34 000 KG / YEAR) Customer: JSC “BIOKHIMIK” Objective: conducting pre-project preparation, developing a conceptual design, and preparing project documentation (section "Technological solutions") for the organization of the production of API.
DESIGN AND EQUIPMENT OF A SITE FOR THE PRODUCTION OF API Customer: OncoTarget LLC Objective: design, manufacture and supply of process equipment, installation and commissioning.
DEVELOPMENT OF WORKING DOCUMENTATION FOR THE ORGANIZATION OF THE SYNTHESIS AND PURIFICATION SITE OF HIGHLY ACTIVE API Customer: SEVER PHARMACEUTICALS LLC Objective: development of working documentation for the sections "Technological solutions" and "Automation of technological solutions" in order to carry out a major overhaul of the Izvarino Pharma building
REACTOR SYSTEM REATORG TECHNOLOGIES FOR CLEANING API BASED ON GLASS-LINED REACTOR Customer: pharmaceutical company Objective: design, manufacture, installation, commissioning of two reactor systems for the cleaning of API or intermediates.
REACTOR SYSTEM REATORG TECHNOLOGIES BASED ON A GLASS JACKETED REACTORS Customer: JSC "BIOCAD" Objective: design, manufacture, installation and commissioning of 2 synthesis units based on glass reactors.
SCRUBBER REATORG TECHNOLOGIES™ Customer: pharmaceutical company Objective: design and supplying of a scrubber for purification of exhaust gases from nitrogen mono- and dioxide in the mixture with carbon dioxide